Home Grow

We encourage all Americans to investigate Home Cultivation of Cannabis / Hemp. It is from growing the plant that I learned much that I do about it. For example, had I never grown the plant and had to Light, Humidity, and Temperature-controlled CURE the flowering tops…I would have no idea of that process. Instead, for 45 years I just assumed and took for granted what I was told. Once I grew the plant myself, and went through the process to activate THC from the THCA-A that I had Synthesized during the Curing process – I began to realize the plant is THC-free, and THC is a by-product from Heating the plant material AFTER it has been Cured. My math mind began to comprehend…that is a lot of steps that have to take place NOT OF THE PLANT’S DOING (Non-Enzymatic Decarboxylation).

In other words, MAN is MAKING THC from the Plant. The plant is NOT producing THC by default, nor endogenously.

NOTE: This is not legal advice. Please consult an attorney in your jurisdiction for applicable legal advice.



